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Saga 22 Woodburning Heater

The Saga 22 Woodburning Heater takes the delights of wood fired sauna heaters to indulgent new heights. With an enormous capacity of exposed rocks, Saga wood burn sauna heaters provide wave after wave of the softest, most comfortable heat and steam that can be experienced. Its steel arms are forged for years of flawless performance; the rugged flair of its top-to-bottom rock exposure makes it a welcoming and mesmerizing centerpiece for your sauna interior. CE-marked heater.

The Heart of the Pure Sauna Experience

Traditional woodburning saunas really go to the heart of the pure sauna experience: the incomparably soft heat, lush hiss of steam and relaxing crackle of a wood-fueled fire… even the ritual of tending the fire. It is a heritage sauna enthusiasts have treasured for thousands of years. Captured and reinterpreted for modern living in today’s Finnleo wood burning heaters.

The “Coanda” Effect

The patented air channeling system between the outer shroud and inner firebox allows heated air to efficiently pass through the rock chamber for faster and more even heating of the rocks. This improves steam generation and air circulation in the sauna. As the fire dies down, the firebox walls cool and the air stops rising through the rock compartment and is redirected to the side vents. We call this the “Coanda” effect. The stones retain their heat longer, providing long-lasting comfort while using firewood as efficiently as possible.

Saga 22 Woodburning Heater Specifications

–  Basic wood burning sauna heater with small glass door
–  Sauna size: 423 – 777 c. ft.
–  Heater size: 23.6″ x 23″ x 32.4″
–  Rock capacity: 330 lbs
–  Heater weight: 205 lbs
–  Flue opening: 4.5″
–  Safety distance FRONT: 19.6″
–  Safety distance SIDE: 9.8″
–  Safety distance BACK: 9.8″
–  Safety distance CEILING: 55″

Product Specs:

Finnleo Features Models:

Designer SL2 Sauna Heater

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Magma Sauna Heater

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Laava Sauna Heater

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