Swimming Pool Tips for Water Conservation
When you think of your swimming pool, saving water probably doesn’t pop into your mind. But, we’ve got some tips you can use to conserve water during swim season!
Water conservation is a crisis facing the world today, and we want to share with you some swimming pool tips for water conservation and tell you what the pool industry is doing to help preserve our natural resources.
Maintain Your Pool Filter
Your swimming pool filter might be called the devil of water conservation. That is when it’s dirty.
When your filter is dirty, you have to backwash it to clean it. The process of backwashing wastes a lot of water and pool chemicals.
You can avoid having to backwash your pool filter by keeping it clean through proper filter maintenance.
Not only will you save water, but you’ll have crystal clear water.
Take Care of Leaks and Cracks
If you have cracks in your pool, it will leak water. In addition, if you have leaky pipes and valves, your pool also leaks water.
It’s amazing how much water can pour through even a small crack.
You want to check your swimming pool and your equipment pad regularly for cracks. Stop the problem before it gets out of hand.
Attend to Your Pool Heater
Use your pool heater less to take it easy on your pool’s water level and the environment.
Warm water evaporates more rapidly then cool water, so only use your heater when needed.
Use a Pool Cover
You can also reduce evaporation in the hot summer months by using your pool cover.
Make sure your pool cover fits properly to drastically reduce the rate of evaporation. In the end, this also saves you money on chemicals as well as water because you aren’t having to repeatedly refill your pool.
It’s a good idea to only drain your swimming pool when absolutely necessary to help with water conservation, too.
Final Thoughts
Consider these tips, and you’ll go a long way towards preserving water, one of our most precious resources.
Taking care of the earth and our natural resources is important to Ultra Modern. This is why we also want to let you know what the pool industry is doing for the safe and sustainable use of recreational water today and for our children.
Three years ago, the World of Recreational Water Foundation was started. Their mission is to advance and foster the responsible use of scarce water resources and represent, defend, and promote the sustainable use of recreational water. They use science and technology to research conservation and energy efficiencies.
They also provide for training and best practices for pools, spas and hot tubs.
Here’s what they believe:
- Recreational water is a vital and valuable resource that must be protected and used responsibly.
- We have an obligation to develop and use technologies and promote practices that support water conversation and the sustainable use of recreational water.
- We must be guided by science in our efforts to achieve our goals.
We cannot do this alone! The pool industry, government, and the pool owner must all be involved in this effort to ensure the safety, conversation and sustainability of recreational water.
Image: Jesper Stechmann