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Backyard Blogging.

Why Winter is a Great Time to Buy an Above Ground Pool

While you can buy a swimming pool anytime, the winter season is a great time to buy a Doughboy above ground pool! In this article, we look at some of the reasons why you want to come to see us as soon as possible.

Winter and Your New Above Ground Pool

While it may seem counterintuitive to buy your pool in the winter, it actually makes perfect sense.  Here’s why:

First, our stores are less busy in January and February, so you won’t have to wait to talk to someone about your pool.

Next, the earlier you buy your pool, the earlier you can get on our install list. So you may end up at the top of the list instead of the bottom.

Third, if you want to self-install your pool, you have plenty of time to do it before March or April.

Fourth, you have a larger selection of swimming pools.

Next, you don’t have to mess with trying to install your Doughboy above ground pool during the rainy months of March, April, and May. What’s even better is that you may be swimming then because you bought your pool during the winter. Install your pool early, and you are guaranteed a super fun summer.

Sixth, by installing your pool early, the ground underneath has time to harden. That means no waiting to get in when you’re ready when the temperatures warm up.

Finally, your water has time to warm up as the temperatures start to rise this spring, making swimming that much more enjoyable!

Ready to buy an above ground pool? Contact us today and let’s get you ready for summer!

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