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Backyard Blogging.

Support America by Choosing American-Made Products

We do our best to support American workers and products by providing you as many American-made items as possible!

During these unique times, we hope you’ll join us as we shop local and buy American-made. We choose to support America by choosing American-made products. Here are a few of our lines.

  • DOUGHBOY POOLS are made in Arkansas and renowned as the best manufacturer of above and buried above ground pools.
  • Most HOTSPRINGS HIGHLIFE hot tubs are made in the USA.
  • Our patio lines, OWLEE, HOMECREST, TELESCOPE and BERLIN GARDENS are made in USA. Several of them are family-owned and operated with years of great product history!
  • LEISURE CONCEPTS cover lifters, steps, and safety rails, umbrellas, spa decking, and side tables (for your hot tub and outdoor living) are all made in the USA.

We believe in the value of products made by American workers.

Here are a few reasons why supporting American-made and local products is so much better:

Keep the Jobs and the Dollars Here

Buying USA-made means guaranteed jobs for thousands of people. This happens because the more money we invest in buying American-made products, the more money we put back into manufacturing. This in turn ensures more jobs and a growing economy.

American-Made Products Promote Independence

We have pride in our nation and in our independence. Relying on another country’s exports is counter-intuitive to our sense of national pride.

Buying American-made products ensures we are self-sustaining, while employing our own workers.

It’s Better for the Environment

Investing in American-made products means we are sure we are doing our part to contribute to a cleaner environment for our generation and the ones to come.

Better Quality Goods

When you see the term “Made in the USA,” you think of quality, excellent craftsmanship and superior products. Foreign imports have no guarantee of quality. While we can monitor shipments and products, there is no true guarantee of their quality and longevity.

While you may find slightly higher prices tags for made in the USA products, the cost per use is often lower as the made in USA quality lasts far longer than a foreign made product.

We invite you to join us in working to strengthen our economy  by choosing American-made products and helping increase the number of employed workers in America!