The Health Benefits of Shuffleboard
Did you know owning and using a shuffleboard regularly has health benefits?
Surprisingly there are quite a few! Let’s look at the health benefits of shuffleboard.
Family Time Increases
There’s nothing better than spending time with your family in a technology-free zone.
Playing shuffleboard as a family allow an easy camaraderie. It’s a great time to relax and play together with a few added laughs.
Plus, without the distraction of cellphones and tablets, family game night might just be the time your kids open up to you and share what’s going on in their live and at school.
Stress Levels Lower
You know that exercise is good for you and that it can lower your stress levels.
Playing shuffleboard has the same effect. Not only are you moving, but when you’re busy playing and concentrating, you don’t have any time to think about what’s causing you stress.
You Get Exercise
While it may not be a cardio workout, playing shuffleboard is a type of exercise you can participate in year-round. Just moving your body increases your blood flow which is great for you.
The added bonus? It’s not only great for you physically, but mentally.
Enriches Relationships
It’s fun to play games with your friends and family. Shuffleboard is an active game that allows you to spend large amounts of time building relationships with your friends and family.
Interested in adding a shuffleboard to your home? Get in touch with us today!