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Backyard Blogging.

Water Safety Tips Every Family Should Know

Swimming season is nearly here. The bathing suits, beach towels and flip flops are at the ready.

Your safety is important to us at Ultra Modern, and we want you and your family to be safe in and around the water – whether that’s in the pool, at the beach, in a hot tub or at a water park.

Before you start swimming this year, take a look at these water safety tips every family should know.

Make sure your entire family is well-equipped with the knowledge of how to stay safe in water.

#1: Teach Kids to Swim

Your first goal is to make sure all of your children can swim. Start teaching them water safety and how to swim at an early age.

Did you know that even babies can learn to swim?

It is vital to remember that even though children can swim, they should never be left unsupervised in or around water. Always designate an adult to watch the water area.

#2: Install Fencing

If you have a pool in your own home, you want to make sure that your pool is entirely enclosed with a fence that is at least five feet high.

It should have latching gates that can also be locked to keep out wayward neighbors. Your pool should be completely inaccessible directly from the house or the backyard to keep everyone safe.

Keep your pool toys away and out of sight so as not to attract neighborhood children.

#3: Always Watch

Don’t take your eyes off the children when you’re around a swimming pool, water park, lake or the beach.

You basically need eyes in the back of your head.

While it may be tempting to put your 12-year-old in charge of watching younger siblings, it’s a water safety no-no. Never put a child in charge of another child around water.

Have a cell phone nearby in case you need to call 911, but don’t spend time on it when you’re watching children.

#4: Designate a Water Watcher

We really can’t say this enough.

Pick an adult to watch the pool when you’re having a party or gathering around water.

Stop by and pick up a “Water Watcher Tag” from us so everyone knows who is in charge of watching the water.

This person should never leave the water area and should not be on a cellphone browsing the Internet.

#5: Watch for Hazards

Pool drains, pipes and equipment are a hazard for small children. Make sure your children know to stay away from these as they are drowning hazards.

#6: Life Jackets Required

If you’re on a boat, everyone should wear a life jacket. This includes children and adults.

Everyone should have their own life jacket that fits properly. Leave all infants on the shore.

#7: No Shallow-End Diving

The American Red Cross has very specific recommendations when it comes to diving:

  • One person on the diving board at a time.
  • No one should be under or around the diving board when someone is diving.
  • No diving in the shallow end.
  • Don’t dive unless you have nine feet of depth.
  • Avoid diving where there are “No Diving” signs.

#8: Take a CPR Class

If you own a swimming pool or spend time at the lake, you should take a CPR class. In fact, your children can even take the class.

This is a great way to provide the necessary skills to keep everyone safe in the water.

To Conclude

Now that you know these water safety tips, it’s time to grab your bathing suits, towels, snacks and sunglasses for the start of a terrific, and safe, summer swimming season!


Photo credit: Edu Alpendre via Visual Hunt / CC BY-SA