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Posts Tagged ‘firepit’

Buyer’s Guide to Fire Pits

Everyone needs a good buyer’s guide!

At Ultra Modern, we love fire pits. Fire isn’t just for warmth. It’s mesmerizing and comforting. It adds beauty and ambiance to your backyard, and this is why we love fire pits.

Not only are they great places for conversation, but they’re also a gathering spot in your outdoor living area.

What’s more, fire pits are a great way to create a focal point in your backyard. You’ll find a fire pit is a natural magnet for the old and young alike.

With many different styles, features, and brands, we invite you to check out our buyer’s guide to fire pits. Then stop by one of our three stores to check our fire pits out in person. (more…)

7 Patio Renovations for the DIYer

The weekend is upon us, and if you are like many homeowners, it’s time for a project or two. While DIY projects can seem scary or overwhelming, there are many you can do on your own without any experience at all.

If weekend renovations are your thing, let’s look at some DIY projects that don’t require expertise or months of hard work. They’ll not only make you happy, but you’ll beautify your backyard and add value to your home.

Here are seven patio renovations for the DIYer.
